To Hell With the Timeline

Probably my biggest struggle of the past 2 years is letting go of the timeline I've mentally created for my life. I am a very goal-oriented person, so I like to have a plan ahead of me. This has worked well for most of my life, and makes me feel great when I accomplish a … Continue reading To Hell With the Timeline

The Balance

It finally happened. I have broken the cycle of misery. Finally, I have a job I love making a decent wage. It's hard to believe I found something that ticks all the boxes. Since graduating from college and starting a professional career, I have been in the following work situations: 1 full-time job (crippling, debilitating) … Continue reading The Balance


It amazes me the things human beings will put up with, no matter how damaging. We allow folks to linger in our lives too long, harbor resentment for years, tolerate pushy and insensitive relatives for the sake of "family," and spend countless nights staying up late worrying over problems that we can solve ourselves: Close. … Continue reading Doorslamming